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Lecture 10 Games in Extensive Form

Players making “moves” to which other players react with “moves”.

Tree: a formal definition

Actually, the tree here can be regarded as a state-transformation machine.

  1. Let $\Sigma = \lbrace a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_k \rbrace$ be an alphabet. A tree over $\Sigma$ is a set $T \subseteq \Sigma^\ast$ of nodes $w \in \Sigma^\ast$ such that: if $w = w^\prime a \in T$, then $w^\prime\in T$. (I.e., it is a prefix-closed subset of $\Sigma^*$. I.e., if a string is in $T$, then all its prefixes are also in $T$.)
  2. For a node $w \in T$, the children of $w$ are $ch(w) = \lbrace w^\prime\in T \mid w^\prime = wa, \text{for some } a\in \Sigma\rbrace$. For $w \in T$, let $Act(w) = \lbrace a\in \Sigma \mid wa\in T\rbrace$ be “actions” available at $w$.
  3. A leaf (or terminal) node $w \in T$ is one where $ch(w) = \empty$. Let $L_T = \lbrace w\in T \mid w \text{ a leaf} \rbrace$.
  4. A (finite or infinite) path $\pi$ in $T$ is sequence $\pi = w_0, w_1, w_2, \cdots$ of nodes $w_i\in T$, where if $w_{i + 1} \in T$ then $w_{i + 1} = w_ia$, for some $a \in \Sigma$. It is a complete path (or play) if $w_0 = \epsilon$ and every non-leaf node in $\pi$ has a child in $\pi$. Let $\Psi_{T}$ denote the set of plays of $T$.

Games in Extensive form

A game in extensive form $\mathcal{G}$ consists of:

  1. A set $N = \lbrace 1, \cdots, n\rbrace$ of players.
  2. A tree $T$, called the game tree, over some $\Sigma$.
  3. A partition of the tree nodes $T$ into disjoint sets $Pl_0, Pl_1, \cdots, Pl_n$, such that $T = \bigcup_{i = 0}^n Pl_i$. Where $Pl_i,i\geq 1$, denotes the nodes of player $i$, where it is player $i$’s turn to move. (And $Pl_0$ denotes the “chance” / “nature” nodes.)
  4. For each “nature” node, $w \in Pl_0$, a probability distribution $q_w: Act(w) \mapsto \mathbb{R}$ over its actions: $q_w(a) \geq 0, \sum_{a\in Act(w)}q_w(a) = 1$. (That is $Act(w)$ maps probabilities.)
  5. For each player $i \geq 1$, a partition of $Pl_i$ into disjoint non-empty information sets \({\rm Info}_{i, 1}, \cdots, {\rm Info}_{i, r_i}\), such that \(Pl_i = \bigcup_{j = 0}^{r_i} {\rm Info}_{i, j}\). Moreover, for any $i, j,$ and & all nodes $w, w^\prime \in {\rm Info}_{i, j}$, $Act(w) = Act(w^\prime)$. (i.e., the set of possible “actions” from all nodes in one information set is the same.) (The nodes in the information set don’t know whether backward player will make which move in a simultaneous game.) (Normal node with only one element can also make up a information set.)
  6. For each player $i$, a function $u_i: \Psi_T \to \mathbb{R}$, from (complete) plays to the payoff for player $i$. (p.s. it is for infinite. for finite game it can be $u_i: L_t \to \mathbb{R}$).

Definition An extensive form game $\mathcal{G}$ is called a game of perfect information, if every information set ${\rm Info}_{i, j}$ contains only 1 node.

Pure Strategies

A pure strategy $s_i$ for player $i$ in an extensive game $\mathcal G$ is a function $s_i: Pl_i \mapsto \Sigma$ (i.e., $s_i$ is a letter in the alphabet.) that assigns actions to each of player $i$’s nodes, such that $s_i(w) \in Act(w), w\in Pl_i$, and such that if $w, w^\prime \in {\rm Info}_{i, j}$, then $s_i(w) = s_i(w^\prime)$.

Let $S_i$ be the set of pure strategies for player $i$.

  1. No Chance: Given pure profiles $s = (s_1, \cdots, s_n)\in S_1\times\cdots\times S_n$, if there are no chance nodes (i.e., $Pl_0 = \emptyset$) then $s$ uniquely determines a play $\pi_s$ of the game: players move according their strategies:
    1. $\text {Initialize}$ $j:= 0$, $\text {and}$ $w_0 := \epsilon$;
    2. $\text{While}$ ($w_j$ $\text {is not at a terminal node}$)

      $\quad \quad \text{If } w_j \in Pl_i$, $\text{then } w_{j + 1}:= w_js_i(w_j)$;

      $\quad \quad j:= j + 1$

    3. $\pi_s = w_0, w_1, \cdots$
  2. With Chance: If there are chance nodes, then $s\in S$ determines a probability distribution over plays $\pi$ of the game.

    For finite extensive games, where $T$ is finite, we can calculate the probability $p_s(\pi)$ of play $\pi$, using probabilities $q_w(a)$:

    Suppose $\pi = w_0, \cdots, w_m$, is a play of $T$. Suppose further that for each $j < m$, if $w_j \in Pl_i$, then $w_{j + 1} = w_js_i(w_j)$. Otherwise, let $p_s(\pi) = 0$.

    Let $w_{j_1} \cdots, w_{j_r}$ be the chance nodes in $\pi$, and suppose, for each $k = 1, \cdots, r, w_{j_k + 1} = w_{j_k} a_{j_k}$, i.e., the required action to get from node $w_{j_k}$ to $w_{j_k + 1}$ is $a_{j_k}$. Then

    \[p_s(\pi) := \prod_{k = 1}^r q_{w_{j_k}}(a_{j_k})\]

Chance and Expected Payoffs

Expected payoff for player $i$ under $s$ as:

\[h_i(s):= \sum_{\pi\in \Psi_T}p_s(\pi)\cdot u_i(\pi)\]

Note: This expected payoff does not arise because any player is mixing its strategies. It arises because the game itself contains randomness.

From strategic to extensive games

Every finite strategic game $\Gamma$ can be encoded easily and concisely as an extensive game $\mathcal{G}_{\Gamma}$.

Every extensive game $\mathcal{G}$ can be viewed as a strategic game $\Gamma_{\mathcal{G}}$:

  • In $\Gamma_{\mathcal{G}}$, the strategies for player $i$ are the mappings $s_i\in S_i$.
  • In $\Gamma_{\mathcal{G}}$, we define payoff $u_i(s):= h_i(s)$, for all pure profiles $s$.

If the extensive game $\mathcal{G}$ is finite, i.e., tree $T$ is finite, then the strategic game $\Gamma_{\mathcal{G}}$ is also finite.

Thus, all the theory we developed for finite strategic games also applies to finite extensive games.

Unfortunately, the strategic game $\Gamma_{\mathcal{G}}$ is generally exponentially bigger than $\mathcal{G}$. Note that the number of pure strategies for player $i$ with $\lvert Pl_i\rvert = m$ nodes in the tree, is in the worst case $\lvert \Sigma \rvert ^m$.

It is often unwise to naively translate a game from extensive strategic from in order to “solve” it.

Imperfect Information & Perfect Recall

  1. An extensive form game (EFG) is a game of imperfect information if it has non-trivial (size > 1) information sets. Players don’t have full knowledge of the current “state” (current node of the game tree).
  2. Informally, an imperfect information EFG has perfect recall if each player $i$ never forgets its own sequence of prior actions and information sets. I.e., a EFG has perfect recall if whenever $w, w^\prime \in {\rm Info}_{i, j}$ belong to the same information set, then the “visible history” for player $i$ (sequence of information sets and actions of player $i$ during the play) prior to hitting node $w$ and $w^\prime$ must be exactly the same. The game has perfect recall if nodes in the same information set have the same experience.
  3. With perfect recall it suffices to restrict players’ strategies to behavior strategies: strategies that only randomize (independently) on actions at each information set.
    • mixed strategies assign a probability distribution over pure strategies.
    • behavioural strategies assign, independently for each information set, a probability distribution over actions. An agent’s (probabilistic) choice at each node is independent of his/her choices at other nodes.

Eamples of imperfect recall

Subgames and (Subgame) Perfection

  1. A subgame of an extensive form game is any subtree of the game tree which has self-contained information sets. (i.e., every node in that subtree must be contained in an information sets that itself entirely contained in that subtree. Moreover, subtree $\neq$ subgame.)

  2. For an extensive form game $\mathcal G$, a profile of behavior strategies $b = (b_1, \cdots, b_n)$ for the players is called a subgame perfect equilibrium (SGPE) (or subgame perfect Nash equilibrium) if it defines a NE for EVERY subgame of $\mathcal G$. Every finite extensive game with perfect recall has a subgame perfect equilibrium (example of a SPNE).

  3. [Selten’75]: Nash equilibrium (NE) (and even SPGE) is inadequately refined as a solution concept for extensive form games. In particular, such equilibria can involve “Non-credible threats” (i.e., threats that are not rational to carry out). Addressing this general inadequacy of NE and SGPE requires a more refined notion of equilibrium called trembling-hand perfect equilibrium.